So I may or may not have done a bit of hair modeling recently...
Ok. Truth talk. I did.
Haha it's just reaaally weird to see yourself...on camera... published...
but if you want to watch me flip my hair around awkwardly... I start doing that at the 5:20mark...and don't stop until the end... lol
and if you want to learn how to curl your hair like this, well I suppose you can watch the whole video if you'd like!
This isn't the original...
Idk where that is, but it will be shown to professional hair stylists for educational purposes in classrooms, and at professional hair show conventions across the world...
Much love,
Lady Peters
Thanks for stopping by! :)
Other places you can find & follow me:
Twitter: @LadyPetersa
Instagram: @LadyPeters
Vlogger, Blogger & Tutorial maker {} {Instagram: LadyPeters} {Twitter: @ladypetersa} {}
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Making Magic Bullet Smoothies Part 2! *Monkey Mocha*
Hello all & welcome back to my kitchen!
I recently posted my morning smoothie routine of the fruit variety that I make almost every morning with my Magic Bullet. You can read about it and watch the video here & here.
After I make that initial smoothie (seen in video above), I sometimes make myself a "Monkey Mocha" (seen in video below) instead of spending upwards of $5 at coffee shop. The process starts briefly the night before...
Thanks for stopping by! :)
Other places you can find & follow me:
Twitter: @LadyPetersa
Instagram: @LadyPeters
p.s.- I was not given a Magic Bullet or told to promote it by anyone... It is my own personal one, no paid promotion or anything... This is genuinely what I do in the mornings! Enjoy! :)
I recently posted my morning smoothie routine of the fruit variety that I make almost every morning with my Magic Bullet. You can read about it and watch the video here & here.
After I make that initial smoothie (seen in video above), I sometimes make myself a "Monkey Mocha" (seen in video below) instead of spending upwards of $5 at coffee shop. The process starts briefly the night before...
- First, freeze your favorite coffee in an ice cube tray the evening prior. I do this because then I don't have to add hot coffee, then water it down it ice cubes the same morning. Same reason I use frozen fruit in my smoothies, it adds the chill & the crunch like ice cubes, without watering it down.
- Then on the morning of making the monkey mocha, I peel a banana, throw that in...
- For the coffee just pull the frozen coffee cubes from the freezer... pop those out of the tray and into my blender cup.
- Finally just fill it up with whatever chocolatey drink you'd like... or perhaps almond milk with some cacao powder (I do this too, I switch it up every once in awhile)
- Blend it up and presto! You have a yummy chocolatey-banana flavored mocha drink! Leaves you with a bit more $change$ in your pocket from not driving to the coffee shop & dumping your money there, and time from driving and waiting in line, when you can just have your own custom creation in seconds at home!

Get creative with it and leave me comments below letting me know what other variations on this you like to make at home!
Thanks for watching!
Don't forget to "like" and subscribe :)
Lady Peters
Thanks for stopping by! :)
Other places you can find & follow me:
Twitter: @LadyPetersa
Instagram: @LadyPeters
p.s.- I was not given a Magic Bullet or told to promote it by anyone... It is my own personal one, no paid promotion or anything... This is genuinely what I do in the mornings! Enjoy! :)
Thursday, November 14, 2013
My First Time on a Dirt Bike .... MAGICAL!
I did it! I successfully DID IT! I RODE that motorcycle like a CHAMP!
I have been obsessing over learning the necessary skills to eventually have my own street bike (I have a sweet Kawasaki Ninja 250 in mind as my first starter bike) and ride as soon as possible. All season this year I tried to get in to the Motorcycle Safety Foundation's courses, but all the ones at any location near me didn't coincide with my schedule, so I couldn't go.
I couldn't take it anymore. I had the itch to go out on 2 wheels...
So I flew back home to my parents, geared up and hopped on my brother's race bike...
...just what my soul needed...
You can hear me squealing and screaming with pure joy and excitement in the video on my YouTube channel... Yes I am a girly girl who loves doing hair & makeup and teaching others the same skills... but I ALSO am a girl who's soul feels free when I'm racing around on two wheels...
I even learned how to shift gears that day.. something that had been a huge obstacle, and freaked me out... I didn't want to kill it or end up on the ground.. so I safely rode around in first gear, getting a feel for the bike until I couldn't take it any longer and HAD to gear up...
I had only ever rode solo when my friend graciously taught me the basics on her sweet sweet Ducati Monster (700? 750? I can't remember, shame on me.)... The Monster's name was Daisy and she was amazing... (see the pix! and VIDEO below)
I was hooked.
I have been riding passenger for 20+ years... initially when I was younger with my dad... and more recently with my buddy on his Kawasaki Ninja 650R for the past 2 seasons...
and I can tell he's getting a bit tired of taking passenger... :( Which suuuucks, because I absolutely LOVE our riding adventures....and craave them with a passion!
...that combined with my increasing need to have my own bike... has me obsessing pretty hard lately!
I want to be able to go out and ride whenever I want, and whenever there is a Road & Track Riders of Chicago meet up...because those people ROCKS! It has been GREAT meeting new people through rides and meetups when I go with my buddy, as passenger... the people have all been awesome and we have made great new friends! Lately I have been struggling with feeling left out though, and hearing all the stories of the epic rides, and seeing the pictures of all the fun I can't take part real hard..
because I can only attend and hang out with my new friends if my buddy feels like taking passenger, which has been diminishing lately & truth time: it breaks my heart ...
So I have to see invites for meet ups come and go and sadly decline, even though each.and.every.time. I want to go with ...
...girl just wants to RIDE!
I am motivated to pay down my heap of debt, and save enough $ cashola $ for a bike, gear, insurance, and everything I will need to get me riding next season... and hopefully eventually on TRACK DAYS... so that means MORE $$$ for full leathers, and to be able to pay for all these adventures...
It seems so far away and truly like it will only ever be a dream... that I can't wish hard enough to become a reality...
I can just watch these videos over & over during these chilly months until next season... and keep dreamin'....
Other places you can find & follow me:
Twitter: @LadyPetersa
Instagram: @LadyPeters
Gettin' Quirky Wit' It:: Makin' Smoothies in the Morning... ♫ This is How We Do It...♪
♫ I'm Quirky and I Know it! ♫
(Sing like ♫" I'm Sexy and I Know It " by LMFAO)
Yeah I admitedly get a little weird in the mornings, I'm still like 1/2 asleep... so come make a smoothie with my weird self, I am by no means sponsored by or promoting the "Magic Bullet" Brand, purchased privately and I just am enjoying using it for it's convenience! This is the combo I like to make my smoothies in recently... IF the containers were a bit bigger, I would totally add some rolled oats in that bad boy and blend it up real nice for a delish and filling breakfast!
Here's what I used:
+Strawberries (frozen so I don't have to ADD ice and water it down)
+Blueberries (frozen so I don't have to ADD ice and water it down)
+Flaxseed Meal
+Chia Seeds (they hydrate and swell up a bit with fluid and then cling to the toxins in your body and then leave your body, toxins stuck to them and all!)
+Cacao Powder (no this is not just like cocoa powder for cooking, it's some sort of raw creation from Whole Foods that has a bunch of nutrients in it and it tastes chocolatey!)
+Almond Milk
Of course put your own spin on it and add/remove to make it to your liking!
Get creatively weird with it!
Thanks for stopping by! :)
Other places you can find & follow me:Twitter: @LadyPetersa
Instagram: @LadyPeters
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