Sunday, January 26, 2014

Quick Easy Hairstyle: No Heat Curls! *HD*

If you try this or any of my other hairstyle looks,  don't forget to instagram/tweet me your photos using the hashtag #LadyPetersHair I would love to see 'em!

If the video doesn't show above, click HERE to be taken to it on YouTube. :)

(Note:I don't do any talking or voice-overs in this one *deaf-friendly, my friends!* so if you are listening to it, and personally don't like the music, just mute it, listen to your own jams instead of thumbsing it down just because you didn't like the music. Thank you.)

Hi Dolls!
I basically do this super simple hairstyle everyday (Yup, it's true, literally did this last night/this morning)!  I get asked all the time how I create this look, so I thought I'd film it to teach you how easy it is to have a wavy curl using no damaging heat at all!  You can change the tightness of the wave depending on how tight you make your twist. 

For even tighter waves, you could do a set of two twists, one on each side of your head...
... so you'd have "two tails" and then the next morning, you could have even tighter "kinkier" kinks for curly waves!  
Like these 2 pictures:

I am always searching for new ways to "prep" my hair the night before so the next morning I can spend as little time, energy or heated tools on my hair as possible to keep my mane as healthy as it can be, and cut my get-ready-in-the-morning time down as much as possible!  Who couldn't use more free time?!

-I just used a product with some hold, after my morning shower, I used the Aveda : "be curly™" Line, including the style-prep™ & be curly™ curl enhancer,
 (EDIT: I no longer use ingredients with harsh sulfates or silicones, I opt for the much better  SHEA MOISTURE brand and their extensive line of hair care products.  Available at drugstores, Targets, etc...)
but anything you put in wet hair after your shower with some goood hold will do, then later that night before bed, wet it, twist it like in the video, and then hairspray it with your favorite hairspray :)

I haven't seen anyone else do this, I kinda just came up with it when I was sick of french braiding with 3 strands, I was tired off that "too tight kinky" look, so I was like..."duuuhh Ashley.... try a twist with just 2 strands!"

And voilà! Thats how I created this look! 

Hope you enjoy the video!
If you try this or any of my other hairstyle looks, instagram/tweet me your photos using the hashtag #LadyPetersHair

Hope you enjoy the video!

Thanks for stopping by!

Don't forget to "like" if you enjoyed this video
& click subscribe for more videos! :)

Lady Peters

Edit: I am still using this technique, years later, and have become a hair model (with ever-changing rainbow locks! Youtube video on how I got my first epic rainbow: here) who invests a lot of time and energy into the study of Trichology, hair care and using the best ingredients for only the healthiest hair! Below are some more updated pictures, all with curly hair from different tightness variations of this technique! I still do it almost every single night before bed! 

Other places you can find & follow me:
Twitter: @LadyPetersa
Instagram: @LadyPeters

Oh and one last thing...I was not asked or paid to boast about any of these products, it's just what I opinion...

No copyright infringement intended.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

*New Hair* OMG I am Passionately in Love With My Red - Blonde Ombre

I did it!!!

I have been wanting this with a fiery passion lately, and I absolutely DID IT!
I was sifting through hundreds of bright red photos on Google image search, and on Pinterest, and even created myself a new board JUST for this new look, you can find that here (click that... go ahead.. get some inspiration...)

So without further delay, here are some photos of my new look! What do you think?!

(sidebar: I will posted a YouTube tutorial on my channel for how I got the easy no-heat waves in my "before" picture.. I seriously do it like everyday!)


Many thanks to Marie (click the link to see her fan page) from the Aveda I went to! I am absolutely, totally in looove with my new look, I freaking LOVE this new Bright Red Blonde Ombre look, and we didn't have to lift or tone the blonde I already had at all, just had to deposit the bright red color, so it wasn't as horribly damaging as I thought it could possibly be!  I am huge on keepin my hair exposed to minimal damage.. ie I rarely.. RARELY blow dry or use any heat products on my hair.. I only wash it ever 4-7 days so my natural oils keep my hair healthy, healthy healthy! Because I am growing my hair out EVEN LONGER!  It has taken me about 2.5 years (OMG) to get back to the length I had before my wedding, because after the wedding I did the infamous "Wife Chop" and donated 11"+ for Locks of Love!  Crazy!  My hair grows roughly about 1/2" a month, which I think is roughly normal?  But with getting trims too, it's still taken me awhile... but by keeping the heat and damage to a minimum before, helped me get all that length back, and shiny!

If you are interested in a similar look, and in the Chicago area, I would happily refer you to Marie!  She is super stellar, and if you wander over to her on your own, tell her I sent ya!

Let me know what you think, Dolls :) 
Do you like the blonde ombre before, or this new red blonde ombre ? 

Thanks for stopping by! :)
XOXO Lady Peters

Other places you can find & follow me:
Twitter: @LadyPetersa
Instagram: @LadyPeters